How could it all go wrong? On a recent road trip my friend Dave and I went in search of Dinosaur Kingdom. If you are unaware of Dinosaur Kingdom, you should follow this link and then be very upset that you have lived as long as you have without knowing that a place like this exists. http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/VANATdinokingdom.html
You'll notice near the bottom the website states that the roadside directional signs can be improved. And how! Though we were within 3 miles of Dinosaur Kingdom, we only found the headquarters for the creator of the attraction: Enchanted Castle Studios. This is where the creator of Dinosaur Kingdom keeps a lot of his old work. I'm going to break format with this running post this one time. Usually I take pictures of things I take...errr. want to take from yards I deliver pizzas to. However, when you stumble upon a graveyard full of fiberglass corpses and foam memories...you grab your camera and get to work. Though we did not reach our destination we had a good time hanging out illegally at the Enchanted Castle Studios (You forfeit your "NO TRESPASSING" sign when you leave your gate open). Also in regards to Dinosaur Kingdom let me assure you that this isn't over...I'll get there come hell or high water.

And then you turn the corner and run into this. I think I saw this guy once in a Slayer video in the late 80's...now I just see him when I close my eyes.

Some of this stuff was still in pretty good shape. The dinosaur I mean, not the crate. Although most of it is too big to take with you.

Moral of the Story: When life denies you dinosaurs; trespass on someone else's property and then go to the zoo.